What a busy 2013…
I am starting to think back on this past year and realizing how much our lives have changed. Last year at this time I was pregnant and just starting to really feel Jacob moving. We were preparing in many small ways to bring him into our home, not knowing what he will or will not need. As 2013 progressed we watched my belly grow, welcomed home a tiny little baby, and watched him blossom into a 7 month old little man. We have had sleep deprived days and nights, been peed and spit up on, sucked out countless boogies and changed diaper after diaper.
But we have also had first smiles and laughs, rolling over and playtime, hugs and slobbery kisses, and cuddly naps together. We have seen Jacob grow longer and heavier, and had to put away those cute first outfits. While I think it is amazing how much the year changed from start to finish, I am more in awe with all that will come next year.
In 2014 we should have crawling, walking and standing, the move to finger foods and sippy cups, understanding of words, and many more teeth. We will also see Jacob celebrate his first birthday. I don’t know how we will keep up!
I know we have more challenges and triumphs ahead, and as a team we will all get through it.