Jacob gets a new drum set
Last weekend, friends came up to is in church and asked, “Are you two the dumbest parents in the world?” We had to answer “probably.”
Of course they were joking — maybe. What they were referring to was photos of Jacob with a new drum set. And we’re not talking a toy drum set either. This was the real deal.
Originally, for Christmas, we had planned to get him a bigger drum set than the little toy ones he has. Turns out a friend of ours had different plans when she found this professional junior set at a garage sale.
Once he saw them, we knew there was no going back and we had to bring them home.
It’s needless to say that he loves them. In fact, on the car ride home, he fell asleep with the drum sticks in his hand.
We’re trying to make sure he knows that drums are for after school, not early in the morning before school. Luckily, houses in our neighborhood have a little distance between them. If we lived in a condo or something, our neighbors would hate us.
And then there are times when Val and I say something to one another but just realize that it is pointless because we can’t hear each other. Maybe we should text each other.
Jacob knows that he has to wear his ear muffs too while drumming. At least his ears won’t suffer. He loves them though and we are glad. We want to encourage his love for music along with his love for coloring, bubbles, and peanut butter.