Rounding up the first trimester
I literally am rounding! I look in the mirror or at pictures David takes of me and it seems that I am further along than I am supposed to be! We’ve had two ultrasounds, so I know there are not two in there, but it sure looks like it! This little bump is going to be hard to hide at work.
I am looking forward to officially be in the second trimester. Should be a few days now. For some reason my nausea has been a little worse the last few days, which is disappointing when on vacation. I am still really struggling with getting vegetables in me, so I will try to make that a goal for the week. I have to hope baby is getting all it needs from my reserves.
Vacation is over today, and I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with my husband. We had so much fun over the last week. I can’t wait for the holidays now.
1 Comment
Sorry to hear you’re still experiencing nausea. Hopefully not too much longer. Keep trying on the Vegetables/don’t forget to take your pregnacy vitamins.
ROUNDING? You are growing to accomadate our growing Baby! I’m sure you’ll be sharing your news to your fellow workers soon? It will only help you because they will be eager to help you and make things easier for you.
David-what a lucky girl, my Valerie is to have you!! 🙂 🙂 You go out of your way to please here at every whim (food cravings). You are always making sure that she’s comfortable; “Do you need something? Are you tired? What do you want to eat? Do you need to take a nap?…etc..” You are a WONDERFUL HUSBAND! I’m sure you’ll be spoiling the BABY too!